HIVE Directory: My Emotional Wellbeing

Chair Exercise @ Mountbatten Leisure Centre

Chair Exercise

A gentle chair based class designed to improve mobility, strength, balance and flexibility. The class involves various exercises and is suitable for those with limited mobility and medical conditions.

United Kingdom
023 93 200401

Charles Dickens Centre

The centre is a sport and activity facility. The centre has a large sports hall, a dance studio and meeting spaces available for hire.

Charles Dickens Activity Centre is home to many groups such as salsa dancing, volleyball, football, boogie bounce, fitness classes plus many more.

United Kingdom
02392 738482

Childfree Wom/enbys Southsea

This is a monthly event for childfree women or those who identify as non-binary, who are struggling, or have struggled with fertility issues. It is a space to share your experiences if you feel comfortable doing so, to meet people having similar experiences and to find mutual support. Or to just hang out and have a chat

Community Connectors

Community Connectors provide short term support (usually about 6-8 weeks) to help individuals take the first steps towards getting out and about in their community.

Civic Offices
Guildhall Square
United Kingdom
023 9284 1762

Community Independence Service

Our team is made up of Occupational therapists and support staff.

Occupational therapists help people to develop, recover and improve, as well as maintain any skills needed for independent living after a period of illness, injury or change in functional ability.

The team’s support workers directly assist with the rehabilitation programs under the guidance and direction of the therapists.

This service is for people over 18 who live in Portsmouth and want to gain more independence in their day-to-day lives.

Our aim is to support you to improve your day-to-day skills and to learn new ones to support you to live the life you want, as independently as possible.

Whilst we do not have set timescales, an average rehabilitation program is between 6-12 weeks.

Guildhall Square
United Kingdom
02392 680 810

Company of Makers

Company of Makers exists to support ex-Service personnel and their partners with transitioning from military to civilian life, no matter how long it’s been since they left the Armed Forces.

Cathedral House, Office 3
St Thomas' Street
Old Portsmouth
United Kingdom

COPD Maintenance @ The Mountbatten Leisure Centre

COPD Maintenance

This class is designed to slow down the rate of progression and improve quality of life for those living with COPD. It incorporates a combination of cardiovascular along with both upper and lower body resistance exercise.

United Kingdom
023 93 200401

Cruse Bereavement Care South Hampshire

We help people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.

Our Helpline is run by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief.

We’ll give you space to talk about your feelings and how you’ve been coping. Our volunteers are completely non-judgemental and won’t share what you’ve told them with anyone else, unless you are in danger.

0808 808 1677

Energise Me

Energise Me's mission is to change lives through physical activity and sport, inspiring people to adopt active lifestyles that make our communities happier, healthier and stronger.

Staple Gardens
United Kingdom
SO23 8SR
07958 918064

Faith in Fitness Seated Exercise Group - Eastney Community Centre

Seated and Standing Exercises with Rachel

Tuesdays at 2.00pm - £4.50

Bransbury Road,
United Kingdom
02392 732376 or 07957 482979